In this series of films, we highlight some remarkable initiatives — dreamed up and developed by Honda associates — who are helping to reduce the environmental impact of our company and ensuring a sustainable future for all.
Keep an eye out for upcoming films, as we’re continuously seeking innovative ways to maximize sustainability.
When we heard about local efforts in South Carolina to help protect nesting areas for endangered Loggerhead sea turtles, Honda of South Carolina reached out to help. Loggerheards face a number of threats, including loss of nesting habitat. A group of dedicated rangers, marine biologists, and volunteers is trying to change that. They are the Sea Turtle Patrol of Edisto Beach State Park.
In the early 1970s, as unprecedented levels of pollution choked the nation's largest cities, a group of Honda engineers secretly toiled to develop an engine that would drastically reduce automobile emissions. This is the story of how they transformed the industry's approach to emission controls and, as a result, started down a path to cut levels of smog-forming emissions from new vehicles to one-thousandth of what they were in the 1970s.
In this story, a retired engineer's sketch intrigues a team of associates seeking to generate their own energy with a simple but ingenious device. Using spare parts and materials from their plant, the team builds a small-scale hydropower generation system, with the waterwheel-like gadget cutting the plant's CO2 emissions by 77,000 pounds per year.
This film shows how Honda engineer Shubho Bhattacharya developed technology to reduce the energy needed to operate our auto body–painting system — a process that accounts for most of the energy use in our production process. Our resulting Intelligent Paint Technology has cut our North American manufacturing CO2 emissions by about 10,000 metric tons per year.